Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool
The swimming pool is open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. daily between Memorial Day and Labor Day and is intended for the exclusive use of Walden Woods residents and their guests. The pool enclosure is locked with a door that only opens from the outside with a key fob. The fob can only be obtained from the property manager's office. The fob was mailed to all unit owners in May of 2019.

DO NOT open the door for people seeking entry. All residents should have their key fob. DO NOT allow people to follow you through the door as you enter.

The cabanas (restrooms and dressing areas) are to be kept clean. A pool service person checks the water quality every day, as well as the operation of pumps and filters.

There is no lifeguard on duty. Residents and their guests swim at their own risk!

There is an emergency 911 phone and a first aid kit on the wall outside the men's cabana. All emergencies should be reported immediately to the property manager and an officer of the 2019 Conservancy Board of Directors. If supplies are used from the first aid kit, what has been used is to be be reported to the property manager.

Unit owners and residents are expected to be familiar with and follow all posted regulations and all the pool rules.